by Martin Odoni

Another template readers can use for submitting e-mails to the Labour Party’s complaints team – at

Siobhan McDonagh

McDonagh endorses Tom Watson and Joan Ryan, both of whom are demonstrably involved in criminal conduct

To whom it may concern,

I demand the immediate suspension of membership of MP Siobhain McDonagh, for using anti-Semitic tropes, and for soliciting criminal activity. On BBC Radio, 4th March 2019, McDonagh used such a trope to identify Jews as inseparable from capitalism, as outlined below; –

During the interview, McDonagh agreed with the suggestion that anti-capitalism is anti-Semitic, implying that Jews are, by definition, capitalistic and bourgeois in nature. Many Jews will find this grossly offensive in itself. But worse, this is in keeping with one of the examples given in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, which the party has expressly adopted; –

Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews

By any standard, implying that Jews are all capitalistic is a stereotypical allegation, and in a democratic socialist party like Labour, it should be seen as demonising too.

Moreover, McDonagh, when discussing the recent poor conduct of Deputy Leader Tom Watson, endorsed his illegal request for complaints to the party to be submitted through himself. This instruction is, as the General Secretary herself pointed out before the weekend, expressly in contravention of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws. For McDonagh to endorse the practice is for her to encourage it, which is solicitation. Criminal behaviour in the Labour Party, especially on matters relating directly to the way in which the party is run, cannot be tolerated under any circumstances.

I therefore demand that McDonagh’s membership of the party be suspended with immediate effect, pending a full and rigorous investigation into her conduct past-and-present, with a view to her possible expulsion.

With polite regards