by Martin Odoni

Congratulations to Mike Sivier over at Vox Political for getting the rather bizarre decision to strike out his defence from the court case between him and the psychopathically domineering Rachel Riley part-reversed. Whatever position one takes on the case, it was completely perverse that his defence should be struck out without being heard in the court due to it being somehow ‘misconceived’; surely that can only be established once it has been heard?

It says something quite unsettling about Britain as a country that we see a hammer as somehow embodying ‘justice’

Mike writes; –

The Court of Appeal has granted me permission to appeal against an order striking out my defence against Rachel Riley’s libel claim against me.

Firstly I must thank all of the readers and contributors who supported my crowdfunding campaign. You made this happen and without your generosity I would have had no way to defend myself against an aggressive attack.

Secondly: the court is allowing me to appeal on only one element of my defence – that publication of my article was on a matter of public interest. This is the end of the line for my defences of truth and honest opinion.

To read more about the changed decision, please click HERE. Oh, and please share the page far and wide to publicise Mike’s victory, as you can be sure the mainstream press will be doing their usual trick of hiding all mention of it next to the crossword problem on page 33.