Israel has no answer to the Genocide charges, so it will use what it always uses; insults

January 9, 2024

by Martin Odoni

The welcome news that South Africa is pressing charges of Genocide against Israel in the International Court of Justice has been met behind the scenes in Jerusalem with the deployment of the only rhetorical weapon Israel ever seems to have; insults, in effect.

According to a cable leaked to Axios, the Israeli Foreign Ministry is quite aware that there is no factual basis on which it can deny that the Israel Occupation Forces are attempting Genocide in The Gaza Strip. Israeli politicians and other public figures have publicly stated as much over the last three months – no matter what Vanessa Feltz wants to think.

Amazing what does not count as genocidal talk when it comes from Israelis, but also what DOES count as genocidal talk when it comes from Israel’s opponents.

The cable asks therefore for Western Governments to support the only counter-attack strategy they think might sway the International Court, which is attacking the charge in the international arena, and hope that this ‘diplomatic pressure’ (to put it very euphemistically) sways the judgement of the Court.

Of particular note in the cable is where Israel requests from all countries receiving the communication, 

“An immediate and unequivocal public statement along the following lines: To publicly and clearly state that [COUNTRY-NAME] rejects the outragest, absurd and baseless allegations made against Israel”.

Axios, 5th January 2024

The use of an archaic pejorative like “outragest” makes the request sound melodramatic, and lends it an unhealthy note of incredulity, as though the incredulity is the only substitute the Israelis can find for a real case. The hope appears to be to get a collection of statements from other world leaders expressing similar incredulity, in order to make it look like the legality of Israel’s actions is an objective fact, and not a grossly-selective interpretation of International Law. These statements may prove inadmissible in the court, but they will still get a lot of air-time in the media, and are therefore bound to exert at least some pressure on the Justices.

Israel’s only answer, in short, is to behave like a nation-state yob, and try to reduce the court proceedings to a farce of name-calling and bullying by media. That Israel can only protect its ruthless military strategy from an injunction by effectively corrupting the legal process through politicking says everything we need to know. It is almost trial-by-media, and it is the unofficial confirmation on Israel’s part that its aim really is genocide. Were it not, it would keep proceedings strictly in-court.

Grumpty Dumpty built a big wall,
Grumpty Dumpty’s due for a fall

Israel would reject some International Legal processes by just saying they are not signed up to, or do not recognise the authority of, the international body attempting to put it on trial. But the Israelis cannot do that in this case, because it is signed up to the Genocide Convention. (Given its constant pontification in the name of those who were slaughtered in the Holocaust, it was politically impossible for Israel not to sign up.)

Israel will go through the motions of arguing in the press that it is seeking to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza and minimise the impact of military action on civilians. This is self-evident nonsense that will be easily disproved if they say it in court as well. (They know that, that is why they are politicking at all.) Aid has been severely and unnecessarily restricted getting into Gaza, including petty, obstructive refusals to let the aid enter Gaza via Israel. And the carpet bombing of wide civilian areas that has taken so many innocent lives has been shown to be completely needless, when set against the recent precision drone-strikes used to assassinate Hamas commanders.

Live by politicking, die by politicking, it would seem. The USA have already issued a statement effectively mocking South Africa’s charges, others will no doubt follow. But South Africa is backed by other key Governments such as Turkey, so it is clear that this Israeli ‘diplomatic strategy’ will not get support from everyone. Maybe not enough to create the sort of public ‘clamour’ Israel wants.

One Response to “Israel has no answer to the Genocide charges, so it will use what it always uses; insults”

  1. […] Source: Israel has no answer to the Genocide charges, so it will use what it always uses; insults | TheCriti… […]

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